Friday, November 18, 2011

Hello Winter!

Goodbye Fall!  (My new raised bed!)
Winter is on the way...the clouds are icy gray.  The wind is cold and steady.  Snow is in the forecast for tomorrow.  The yard is empty of everything colorful flowers and what is left is beige and brown.  The seed pods of my plants feed the birds this winter.  They eat some and scatter the rest making more plants for the spring.

Found some red barberries and of course, Old Glory lends
 some color into an otherwise colorless landscape.
Now begins the sewing season...and reading and movie season.  While friends take off for warmer climates, I stay here and relish the time indoors where I can create new things and finish those things begun last year or the years before or before that. 

I know that by February I will want out - out of the house - out of the cold - out of my rut.  But until then, I will wallow in my fabric and books and movies.

Hello Winter!  I'm ready!


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