Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Lost is Found!!! It's Me!!!

For the life of me I couldn't figure out what I did to lose control of my blog!!!  I couldn't get in from the inside (Blogger) but I could see my blogs if I came in from Facebook but I couldn't create a new one or do the million other things you do to create a blog!  I created a new blog last time this happened and it worked for a while and then it didn't and now it didn't again and I didn't know what to do and it really isn't life threatening if I don't blog but I like to!

Yay!  Long story short - a couple years ago when I downloaded an update it locked my whole computer up.  A big Service Pack to speak the truth.  I talked to everyone on the continent and other continents.  Then I had to have my computer unloaded and reloaded - well, you get the picture.  All of those things I couldn't do myself - being so untechy - so it cost me days of my life, my sanity and then actual money!!!

But today I just took a chance and did what I did last time without calling foreign countries for help and it worked!  And then I could download the latest browser and wonders of wonders!  I'm here and back in business!  I just amaze myself some days - most days I'm not that amazing.

Whew!  So glad to be back!  I will write something valuable tomorrow.  Right now I'm just so happy I did it all by myself!  Woo hoo!

I'm off to sew something - all of a sudden I have renewed energy!  I'm not so dumb after all!

Take care,

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