Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Making Plans While The Sun is Shining...

Yesterday was one of those days...rainy and gloomy.  Sometimes the weather influences my outlook on things.  Today the sun is shining and the huge issues from yesterday seem to have gotten smaller.  The issues are just as important but more manageable.

The huge snow banks are almost gone and the driveway has puddles!  The weather lady said that the frost should be out of the ground by Friday, March 16.  It never got too deep so I wonder what the perennials will be like.  What a different winter we've had this year.

It's supposed to be 70 tomorrow...I want to go to the nursery and get some plants!!!  I'm going to check my little hen and chicks planted in the split railroad tie.  I have a couple of cute ideas for planters and I looked at them and they are still green.  Yay!Bringing them in the house and transplanting them should invigorate their growth so they would be pretty good size by June for the sale.  Good idea - makes more sense than getting too excited over tomatoes or anything else.  It really is too early - while we have 70's this week we could still dip below freezing in the next month or so.

Hens and Chicks will climb and ramble freely on a stone wall.
Little rubber roses...
Hubby's favorite!

This is the flower stalk of a Hens and Chick Plant.
Bloom isn't that pretty
but makes lots of new little ones!
I'll show you what I'm doing with them when I get things together and planted.  For being mostly water, you'd think they would freeze but they come up every year.  They are quite prolific also...lots of new babies!  Last year they bloomed which isn't that pretty but it produces lots of little ones and then Mom dies back...sob!

So now I feel better than yesterday and I've been creative and have plans and life is good. 

Take care,


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