Sunday, June 10, 2012


My Mom wasn't afraid of the weather...she would stand out on our front stoop and watch the clouds, fascinated by their movement and shapes and color.  I'm the same way mostly.  Last year we had such bad storms in the early part of July that I'm a little more leary now.

This tree shades our house in the
heat of the day...

Norma Jean watching the weather!

One of our White Pines with the middle torn out
 from the wind last year
We lost many trees...old trees.  Probably five or six trees came down in the winds and rain.  It is very sad when those huge trees fall... 

I never realized how shallow their root systems are.  At least they seem to have long roots that go vertically across the ground but when they tip over the roots that go downward seem short.  I suppose they break off but the root ball that shows is so small compared to the height of the tree.

Our Jack Pine with the top twisted off

My favorite color is green
 so my yard is precious to me!

This huge tree in the middle of our drive stands by itself
after its mate died a few years ago.  Love its shape.
We're in a severe thunderstorm watch that is blanketing the better part of the state.  I'm getting regular updates from Hubby on the details of the movement and severity.  He seems very worried.  I suppose I inherited my weather calmness from Mom.

Well - I guess I better go pay attention...they are interrupting Dateline every few minutes.  Maybe some hail...figures!  I finally got my tomato plants in the ground!  Just a little rain and some rumblin' so far...the birds are singing again.  I think its passing by us.

Take care,

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