Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Love Chickens!

Who doesn't like chickens???  I don't think I'd ever raise real chickens but I like all other kinds of chickens.  So when we were invited to be part of a Spring Sneak Peek Sale, we decided to make some garden chickens!

It is quite a process - Hubby cuts them out, sands and base coats them.  Then they come into the house where I put their personalities on.  Once I paint their faces - beaks, combs, feet (in some cases) - then I add polka dots, plaid and pattern to their bodies.  Then I rough them up a bit - we want them to look aged like us.  So I take sandpaper and weather them a bit.  Last I put on a finish.  Whew!  So we really have lots of time and energy involved.  They are so cute running around the garden!

I have confessed before to having another addiction - chairs.  I buy chairs everywhere I see one for sale.  These two chairs needed their seats upholstered and today I got the job done!  Leather looks so cool so I upholstered them in faux embossed leather.  Love the look - kinda cowboy/cowgirl.  I'm pleased with the outcome and then there are my chickens roosting on my newly dressed up chairs.

Can't keep those darn chickens off the furniture!
Tomorrow the chairs go to town to the shop and the chickens stay home with me until next week.  It's all good and another day of accomplishing something!!!

Take care,

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