Monday, July 16, 2012

Sweet Annie...

Annie joined our family five days ago.  She is an Aussie Shepherd/Shepherd Mix.  The shelter thought she was about 5 years old but today the vet and groomer believe she is older - like seven years old.  She is in good condition for a stray but has a chronic ear infection and today we found out she needs to have her largest tooth pulled.

She's so fluffy now after her bath!!!

Having a dog is a big responsibility - financial and day to day care.  Loving her is the easy part.  We feel so lucky to have found another dog that fits into our lives so perfectly.  She is a gentle soul - we will never know her story.  I can't help but think that someone is missing her terribly.

Annie's favorite place to relax is under my enamel table
by the back door where I kick off my shoes!

She spent 1/2 hour with the vet and almost two hours with the groomer.  Her coat is shiny and soft and wavy now.  What a pretty, intelligent addition to our family.  She can sit, shake hands and stay. 

Sweet Annie

The groomer gave me some suggestions about training her to be off her leash.  She would love to chase the rabbits that have made our yard their home!  So I will get a long rope and begin training as soon as this heat subsides.

The shelter named her Sweetie because that is her nature.  We changed it to Annie because that fits better for us.  So name recognition is first...then the hard part begins.  In one direction, certain times of the day, our road has lots of fast traffic .  In the other direction, lots of sounds, fields, and places to explore.  She has lots of energy so we have to build a trust between us.  When she comes to us when we call her, we can begin to let her off her leash.  The scary part because we don't know if she ran away or was abandoned or ...

So we have our work cut out for us but what a good project we have ahead of us!!!  We are smiling again and fuss over her like a kid.

Take care and adopt a dog if you have the time, love and financial means to do so.


1 comment:

Jules Dolly said...

Sweet Annie looks adorable and I'm so pleased she has you to look after her. They quickly become part of our family don't they? Enjoy loving her and I'm sure she'll do the same back x