"The creation of a more peaceful and happier society has to begin from the level of the
individual, and from there it can expand to one's family, to one's neighborhood, to one's
community and so on." - Dalai Lama
Where my day begins...
I follow the Dalai Lama on Facebook...and not everyday but every once in a while I get a
message that really hits home so to speak. I say that with tongue in cheek because he's
all for non-violence - no hitting.
Today was a bit of a challenge for me in the happiness column. I'm pretty even tempered
when out of my house. In my house I can get crabby - what can I say we're both retired
and 24-7 can be trying for both of us. But considering we are pretty opposite, we cohabit
quite easily I think.
Two things could have really tanked my day - going to talk about mortgage/banking issues
first thing this a.m. and then after I got home calling a non-human phone line to talk
pension irregularities. The bank lady just took my problem and made the necessary calls
and all is/will be good. The other deal, however, took part of my happiness and wrung it
pretty dry. By the time I got to a human, I was near - close - aw - I was tearing up.
Those exasperation kind of tears.
Then I read the Dalai's words and thought - small potatoes. So my new mission is his
message...I will start in my little world to be happy and peacefull so hopefully that attitude
will spread and enlarge. I can only hope. I can only control my world and my interactions
in my world. It would be nice if we all followed his teachings in this area. Don't you
Peace and Happiness!