Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hitting the Restart Button...

After all the sales and a 5 day quilt retreat, I determined that today was restart day.  So I took it easy and spent some time in the kitchen cooking/baking.  I'm slowing down and enjoying football and unwinding from all the pressure I put on myself to produce project after project.  I was a little worried about health issues like blood pressure but today's reading is very normal so I'm good there. 

Yesterday I noticed a few things that had happened around my house that I had nothing to do with but should have noticed.  Hubby has single-handedly taken on all the fall projects of putting things away and stacking our stash of furniture and stuff for our sales so we could get our vehicles back in the garage pole barn.  He doesn't like things sitting out in the yard over the winter months so the yard is stark - just brown with plants that should be cut down but won't be until spring.  I leave them for the birds to snack on along with the rabbits, voles, mice and other critters like dear.

Christmas shopping/buying is well underway and ideas percolating for the rest.  I still have time to make a few things so that is good too.  I don't shop much after Thanksgiving so I'm feeling pretty good in that department - thank goodness for Internet shopping!!!

This morning we had a little sleet and snow and the temps have dropped so the deck is a little slippery with a fringe of icy snow around the edges.  This is the kind of day I usually decorate the window boxes out in the yard with freezing fingers trying to work the clippers and cutting branches from my five or six kinds of evergreens.  Not today though - maybe later in the week.

This year I will build bird feeder stations in my window boxes using boughs on the bottom and layering peanut butter and seed pine cones along with other things like suet balls.  I will see my birds up close and personal as I sit at my computer.

Well - I'm going to go knit or crochet something to finish off my restart day.  I want to replenish some of my burlap creations for the shop but I will take it slowly.  It's time to try to keep things in perspective after all, I am retired!

Take care,
